What are the benefits of regular exercise?

Being physically active can improve brain health, help control weight, reduce the risk of diseases, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve the ability to perform daily activities. Adults who spend less time sitting and do any amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity get some health benefits. Are you short of breath from shopping or household chores? Regular physical activity can improve muscle strength and increase endurance. Regular exercise has been shown to help increase energy levels and improve mood.

It may also be associated with many other powerful health benefits, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases. A review of 19 studies found that active people who stopped exercising regularly experienced a significant increase in symptoms of depression and anxiety, even after just a few weeks (. Interestingly, one study showed that regular exercise was associated with increased sexual function and desire in 405 postmenopausal women (5). Regular physical activity can increase the production of hormones that make you feel happier and help you sleep better.

Regular physical activity, such as walking, cycling, sports, or active recreational activities, provides significant health benefits. On the contrary, regular exercise has been shown to increase your metabolic rate, which can burn more calories to help you lose weight (6, 7,. To take advantage of the benefits of exercise, simply be more active during the day, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or speed up your household chores. With regular exercise, the heart becomes more efficient and adept at transporting oxygen to the blood, which makes the muscles more efficient (20).

If you want to lose weight, meet specific fitness goals, or get even more benefits, you may need to increase your moderate aerobic activity even more. You can also feel better about your appearance and about yourself when you exercise regularly, which can increase your confidence and improve your self-esteem. In addition, the ability of exercise to prevent chronic diseases can translate into benefits for the brain, since these conditions can affect its function (3). It's a filter or “safety net” that helps you decide if the potential benefits of exercise outweigh the risks to you.) A previous study found that 6 weeks of regular exercise reduced feelings of fatigue in 36 people who had reported persistent fatigue (1).

Going to the gym regularly is a good idea, but don't worry if you can't find a lot of time to work out every day.).

Nikki Seeley
Nikki Seeley

Hardcore pop culture specialist. Devoted beer buff. General pop culture advocate. Wannabe zombie evangelist. Professional bacon guru.